
Delivering top-grade recycling services

RECYCLING PREPARATION INC (RPI) is a trailblazer in a field that has impacted Barbados as it has done in the rest of the developed world. This is the field of recycling man’s waste products, namely non-ferrous metals, to turn them into something reusable and at the same time earning valuable foreign currency for RPI and Barbados.

Recycling of plastic

As the name suggest, RPI actually looks after the preparation of the non-ferrous metal for recycling purposes. Preparation means the sorting of various grades, i.e. copper, aluminum and brass.

One may ask what is non-ferrous metal? This is metal which does not contain iron. A simple test is carried out to determine this.A magnet is placed against the material – the metal to which the magnet does NOT stick is non-ferrous.